im体育APP has successfully completed a number of high quality acquisitions since 2011.
These acquisitions have significantly extended im体育APP's technical capability, operational capacity and geographic footprint as part of our on-going strategy to satisfy our clients' future testing requirements and also in support of our mission to become the world's most trusted testing partner.
获得的元件超前测试, 检查, 校准和认证提供商, 新加坡考试服务(STS). This acquisition strengthened im体育APP’s position and growth plans in Southeast Asia.
Kalibrierdienst Kopp GmbH
im体育APP收购Kalibrierdienst Kopp GmbH (KDK), 市场领先的校准和测量服务提供商, 大大加强了集团在德国的校准业务.
im体育APP收购了im体育平台app下载领先的药品检测业务, 分析实验室组(ALG), significantly strengthening im体育APP’s market position in pharmaceutical testing in North America and another important step in growing its Life & 健康科学组.
im体育APP收购了im体育平台app下载领先的互联技术业务, pct工程实验室, significantly strengthening im体育APP’s position in testing and certification services within the connected technologies market.
im体育APP收购航空技术检验及无损检测有限公司, a non-destructive testing (NDT) business providing radiography services to the aerospace industry.
EMV Testhaus
im体育APP acquired the product testing company EMV Testhaus GmbH to strengthen its position in the German automotive and medical markets.
im体育APP announced the acquisition of 科巴姆技术服务 Lightning 测试 & Consultancy, a recognized leader in the lightning test and consultancy business.
im体育APP entered into an asset purchase agreement with Medical Device 测试 Services (MDT), 明尼托卡的, MN, 美国, a specialist provider in Mechanical 测试 and Materials Characterization for the 医疗设备 sector, 2017年4月4日.
TÜV SÜD美国佛罗里达州墨尔本
im体育APP entered into an agreement to purchase the assets of TÜV SÜD Melbourne, FL, 美国, 专门为商业公司进行电磁干扰测试的实验室, 航空航天和国防应用, 2017年4月3日.
团队的年代.L. 收购
im体育APP acquired TEAMS (测试 and Engineering of Aeronautical Materials and Structures ) S.L. 在塞维利亚, 西班牙, Nadcap认证, specialist provider of destructive and nondestructive materials and component testing services and Tier 1 supplier to Airbus.
收购DNV GL德国材料测试实验室
im体育APP acquired DNV GL's German materials testing laboratories in Hamburg, Muelheim a.d.R., Herne和Stuffgart/Esslingen, 拥有七十多名专业从事材料测试的工程师, 冶金与失效分析.
元件获得西北EMC, 在俄勒冈州拥有EMC实验室的美国产品认证测试公司, 加州, 华盛顿, 明尼苏达州和德克萨斯州, 提供EMC/EMI等测试服务, 无线电设备(无线), 医疗设备, DO-160, MIL-STD和汽车电子.
收购Environ Laboratories
im体育APP further expands its capabilities with the acquisition of Environ Laboratories LLC, 明尼阿波里斯市, 美国, a 产品 Qualification 测试 business that specializes in servicing the Global 航空航天 Sector.
im体育APP收购Accutek 测试 Laboratory, 辛辛那提, 美国, a materials testing business with extensive experience in serving the 航空航天 and Medical Device sectors.
im体育APP收购Sherry Laboratories, Daleville, 美国 one of the largest independent materials testing businesses operating in the 美国 with experience in servicing the 航空航天, 国防, 石油 & 天然气、运输和环境部门.
im体育APP收购材料工程研究实验室有限公司(MERL), 哈特金, 英国是世界一流的聚合物材料供应商, 粘合剂, 为石油公司提供组件和结构测试服务 & 天然气,航空航天和运输部门.
im体育APP获得了MAR-TEST, 辛辛那提, 美国 a specialist provider of high-quality mechanical testing services to the 航空航天, 国防, 发电和医疗器械im体育平台app下载.
im体育APP收购底特律测试实验室(DTL), 沃伦, 美国 a leading provider of product qualification testing services to the 航空航天, 国防和交通部门.